Saturday, September 11, 2010

Melbourne Adventure Day 4

Sabbath Day - followed Tiff to All Hallows Catholic Church. The alternative plan was to head to Camberwell Methodist Church, where I would've gotten the chance to meet up with Pastor Shirley. Alas! That was not the case that day, because I decided (and it was a really hard decision to make too!) that Louis was going to take precedence over her for the day. No offense meant though! :P Just that I hadn't seen him in a long, loooong, looooooooooong time.

All Hallows

It was pretty exciting attending a Catholic Mass. It was my first time too! So while people were sitting, praying, kneeling, standing, I was ogling at the stained-glass windows, kneeling and standing a whole 2 seconds after everybody else (I still don't know when to sit/stand/kneel lol.), and was trying to inconspicuously snap a few pictures with my camera. :D Did manage to spend time with God, albeit being a bit distracted.

Then Tiff took me to her high school - Genazzano. Very pretty, very big, very Hogwarts. Me likey.

Genazzano College

We visited Camberwell Market - very Sunday-market-y. I was going to describe it as the 'Guai-Lou' version of the Malaysian Sunday Market, but now that I think about it - a fair bit of the crowd was Asian. It had the same feel to it - the crowd, the hustle and bustle, the noise, the haggling - the only thing missing I thought, was the occasional waft of freshly made kuih that I always took for granted back in Kuching markets.

Camberwell Markets

Lunchtime! :) Met Louis in Glen Waverley, had Yumcha at Hakka Tea House. Caught up over lunch, headed over to Chadstone Shopping Centre (which was huuuuuuuuuge) and caught up some more. Louis' quote of the day: "What Mel, you shop?! Man, I'm disappointed." What's with all this fuss about me shopping?! A girl's gotta do what she's gotta do, right? LOL.

Shopping never fails to make me tired - Tiff and I made one last stop at Box Hill to have some Viet food before heading back. Box Hill = Very Asian Suburb.

Box Hill

Bun with Grilled Pork & Viet Pho @ IndoChine.

Louis, Tiff & I. :)