Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Albany Day 3

We decided as a group to pay a visit to the Valley of the Giants and experience the Tree Top Walk, despite the fact that it was pretty out of the way and we were told that it wasn't that worth it. But when else would we get the chance to walk above giant trees?! So about an hour's drive up took us to Walpole to traverse the (really safe) suspension bridges atop reaaally tall trees.

Valley of the Giants.

It was fun at first, looking below and digesting how high we actually were above the ground, and jumping on the bridges to make them shake. But after a while, the height and the shakiness of the bridges lost their kick, and we hurried to the end. Alas, all hopes of seeing creatures swing from branch to branch were dashed. I, for one, was really hoping to see some monkeys! But besides the few we had in our group, we saw ZERO animals, making it a pretty boring trip. But I mean, if you're already in Albany, you might as well go to Walpole, because as boring as it is, it was still an experience! Who knows, it could save you awkward silences at a dinner table. :P

Looking for possums from the bridge.

We then explored the Forest of Tingles. Tingles are trees which can apparently cope with bushfires and can still grow, despite having a very burnt look. The place looked like the Shire, and so naturally, I was the one to take give them a tour of the place. Tim took up the initiative to play the theme tune of the Shire from Lord of the Rings from his iPhone (which was really cool!) while my tour went something like this: "Look guys, welcome to my humble abode, and yes, that is where I will stay with my future hobbit husband when we get married."

"Home is where the heart is."

Posing with a Tingle Tree!

Abit more fooling around the place, as is shown below, then we headed back to Denmark to try their award-winning pies. :)

"Is that joy I see in their faces?"

"What is that smell?!"

Pies weren't too bad, but I found them a tad bit too salty for my liking. Their lamb and rosemary pies however, were THE BOMB! Loved it so much that we bought two more to bring home for mom and dad.

Satisfied faces at the Denmark Bakery.

Award winning pies.

While in Denmark, we visited the Bert Bolle Barometer, which no one took pictures of, unfortunately. I don't understand why it has to be so big, but i guess its size contributes to its grandeur. It was really good timing as well, at the time that we went, because there was a notice there saying that Mr Bolle wanted his barometer back due to people in Denmark not appreciating it enough. So that was the last chance of ever seeing the world's largest barometer, lucky us! :)

Mr. Bolle's Barometer

Next place we went to was the Green Pool, which was a little sea pool that looked a little green. Lol. What? Perfect description, kay. (Go google if it doesn't hit the spot for you! :P) Personally, didn't think much of the Green Pool, but there was a crocodile rock formation though, and of course, rocks and water = picture opportunities!

The Green Pool.

Us on the Crocodile Rock. (Trust me, it did look like a crocodile)

Then we climbed up and down hills to see the Elephant Rock, which only looks like an elephant from one angle. You can't miss it! (I don't know how my brother did, though. -.-)

The Elephant Rock. (and Elephant Butt)

Up close.

Determined to explore the entire place, more climbing up and down stairs and rocks brought us to a quiet little cove, where we enjoyed the scenery and took more pictures. :)

Zen Albany.

Rick and the girls.

We all dressed up to eat out on our last night in Albany - ended up at this place called Mean Fiddler. Food was awesome, except I made the mistake of ordering Shark n Chips - so ordinary. :( Oh wells. Had a taste of the others, the Garlic Prawns are a must-try. They were really yummy!

Us at Mean Fiddler.

Work of art by Kim. Pure genius :)

Ended the night just chilling, watching tv, listening to Yo Mama jokes, and laughing ourselves silly.

One of our better car shots. :)

All snuggled up in PJs :)

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