Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Melbourne Adventure Day 1

Touchdown! It was 6.45 am, Thursday morning. I only managed an hour's sleep on the plane, and I spent the rest of the flight playing 'Angry Bird' and listening to some music until I got a headache. But all traces of the headache were gone by the time I landed. My excitement level was mounting as I walked towards the baggage collection area. I was in Melbourne! My first ever real holiday since my family moved down to Perth. :) I couldn't wait to explore Melbourne and I especially couldn't wait to see my friends!

I took the Skybus down to Southern Cross Station in Melbourne City, and even though I willed myself to stay awake so I could catch a glimpse of Melbourne's Woop-Woop (apparently the airport is super woop-woop), I succumbed to a blissful 30 minute nap. :P

The SkyBus

I met Tiffany and her friend Christine at the station, and then we went for yummy crepes atRoule Galette down Scott Alley. I had a Forestière crepe filled with béchamel (French white sauce), bacon, mushroom and cheese. Perfect breakfast to start the day! :)

Roule Galette, Scott Alley

Then we headed down to one of my faaavourite places in Melbourne, MoVida Alley. Kudos to the street artists over east! I lost myself, standing in the midst of senseless drawings and vibrant colour splashes..I could stay there forever! (This was also where Marion Grasby beat Frank Camorra, chef of MoVida Restaurant, in MasterChef Australia 2010). Double thumbs up for me. I think Perth 'graffidiots' could do with taking a page out of their books, although..they wouldn't be called 'graffidiots' anymore if they could reproduce similar works of art.

Words? But not?

So cute!

The white cat, Tiff & I.

MoVida Alley & I. :)

I had to drag myself away from that alley..then off we went to Flinders Street Station. I recognized it straight away from Facebook photos - everyone I know who's been to Melbourne and back has got a snapshot of themselves with this landmark behind them. I am no different!

Flinders St Station

Headed to QV (Queen Victoria) after walking past a few streets (Collins, Little Collins, Bourke, Little Bourke - I find it cool how streets are named as such in Melbourne) just to have a quick look see. At this point of time I was still lugging my suitcase around - shopping just did not appeal to me. Then we crossed the road diagonally to get to Melbourne Central - not much I remember from there, except lots and lots of candy, and a ginormous clock with pigeons moving to the sound of 'Waltzing Matilda'.

A clockful of hidden pigeons

Melbourne Central

After half a day of walking around I could take it no longer, I was in need of a shower and a nap. So we went back home to Tiff's, where I managed to have 2 hours of shut-eye. All geared up and ready by the time I woke up, we made our way to the University of Melbourne. Melbourne Uni has a pretty cool Science library, it's decorated with wacky gizmos and artsy lights and furniture. The Uni's got its own trackfield too!

Melbourne Uni Trackfield

On campus grounds.

Science library. Wacky!

We didn't manage to finish touring the entire campus because we had to meet MTYP for dinner along Lygon St. We ate at Ying Thai 2 (yes, there is a Ying Thai 1 LOL!), where I decided to play safe and just order a Pad Thai. It was quite yummy.

Me and my Pad Thai.

Tiff and MTYP, with their beef noodly soup thingy.

Then we went to Il Dolce Freddo (my favourite place along Lygon St!), where I tried their really famous DURIAN GELATO. It was so frickin' awesome, the moment I tasted it I was like, 'OMG I'm defo coming back for 2nds! Or 3rds!' We froze in the cold after, but it was so worth it. I was so happy. :D

Love at first taste. *sigh*

The Great Paradox: The Freezing MelTings.

We ended my 1st day in Melbourne by walking MTYP back to the train station (Southern Cross, I think it was), and planned on going to Docklands but backtracked because it looked too dodgy and dark at night.

Southern Cross Train Station

MTYP, Tiff & I.

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