Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Melbourne Adventure Day 2

Friday greeted us with cloudy grey skies and rainnnn. :'( But that didn't stop Tiff and I from continuing our tour of the University of Melbourne. We finished that off, stopped by to pose with the Newman College Chapel and went off to Victoria Markets.

Newman College Chapel

Victoria Markets - stepped in and was like, 'OMG LOOK AT ALL THAT MEAT & SEAFOOD!' It was bustling with people, and every now and then you'd hear the ang-mo version of 'Lelong lelong, lima ringgit satu kiloooo.' ('Fresh prawns, five dollars a kilooo.') Doesn't have quite the same oomph to it, I think.. :P

Look at all that meat!

And seafood!

We walked around, tasted some cheese, looked at some clothes, and experimented with jams & spreads on little bread nibbles. I bought a very tourist-y T-Shirt that says 'I love Melbourne' and a couple of bags that cost me AUD65, what a bargain! Brandless, of course. :) We shared a donut and had hotdogs for brunch.

Jams & Spreads


Later on we walked back to Federation Square to attend the Tim Burton Exhibition. I am so very happy I caught it, it was uber cool! It was a shame that no cameras were allowed, but what I saw in that exhibit will be forever etched in my mind. Yes, it was THAT good! What you see is what you get - eccentric, mind-boggling, pieces of art made into films, books and drawings, all with that same element of weirdness that characterises a Tim Burton production. I loved everything about it - from Edward Scissorhands' life-size suit and scissory gloves and the mannequin donning Alice's blue dress, to Stainboy's 6 miniclips and a 3D model of Oogie-Boogie. Absolutely brilliant, it was! :)

Tiff & I outside Federation Square

The Many-eyed Blue Man. Check the Batmobile out down below!

Excited me before entering the Exhibit.

That was as far as my camera got. The REAL fun began down those stairs. ;)

That was pretty much the highlight of the day - spent the rest of the day eating. Lol. Couldn't do much else too, as it was still raining. Managed to take a picture with The Press Club sign, lol. I didn't try it out because it was expensive - AUD40++ for a single dish, AUD18-20 for dessert. I would've loved to try it out, but my good ol' brain was telling me AUD40 could buy me at least 3 meals, and it was right. Oh well, save it for another day. :) Melbourne Trip Pt. II, perhaps?

...Yeah. Me & The Press Club Sign. :P

OH! This was the day Tiff & I ran under newspapers in the rain, across a bridge to Crown Casino/Hotel. This was also the day we stood under the rain in the dark, watching Crown's Fire Show. Even though the fire pillars were quite tall, we could feel the warmth of the flames everytime the pillars lit up. I imagine it would be a rather pretty sight, looking at the whole row of flaming pillars from somewhere opposite Crown. Sadly I have no pictures to show..my camera died. :(

The rain finally got the better of us, so we explored Crown and took a few pictures. Ended up in the Casino, where we watched...tennis. -_-" lol. yeah, I know. It was the Isner v Mahut match, at the time they were going 61-60. Got a bit boring after a while, so we walked around some more, only to stumble across this sign that said 'PORTUGAL vs. BRAZIL 12 AM TONIGHT' which raised alarms in both our heads, because that meant we had to get home to watch the match!!! But not before taking away some tiramisu from Cafe Greco. :P

Some homemade coffee and Greco's Tiramisu slice.

So there we were at home, sipping coffee and enjoying tiramisu, together with some yoghurt and apples, all ready for an exciting match...only to be disappointed later by a 0-0 game. Lame!

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